Conservative Treatment
Initially management of the symptoms of varicose veins can be by intermittent elevation of the leg,. This reduces the pressure in the veins allowing reduction in swelling and discomfort. The normal horizontal position of the body in bed at night provides relief. Elastic stockings can assist by providing external support (compression) to the limb. Unfortunately the stockings are sometimes unpleasant to wear because of tightness and warmth. They are only useful for alleviation of symptoms; they do not prevent varicose veins. The use of elastic stockings may, in fact, make the leg feel less comfortable and therefore is of no benefit to the patient. The exception is when stockings are being used to treat complications such as ulcers when acceptance of discomfort is necessary.
Temporary Vein Cover-Up Suggestions
Sally Hansen Airbrush Legs:
A light-weight leg makeup, enriched with palmaria extract which enhances the coverage of freckles, veins and imperfections. It can also help stimulate microcirculation for healthier and firmer looking legs and feet.
Airbrush legs is water and transfer resistant and available at Priceline stores.

Dermablend Leg and Body Cover:
A high performance technology in a full coverage body foundation. An improved lightweight formula with SPF 15 and high purity pigments. Leg & Body Cover Crème offers improved skin tone shades and texture to deliver a flawless look and 16 hours of consistent colour wear when set with Dermablend Setting Powder.
Blends evenly and gives a silky, flawless look once set with the setting powder.